Keeping Your Plumbing System in Perfect Condition

How to Get Rid of Even the Most Stubborn Blockages

Whenever you think of a blocked drain, you imagine a congealed mass of hair, grease and food particles that may sit stubbornly within that "u" bend. This may be quite commonplace in the average home, but it's only one potential cause of a backup. Sometimes, you may be responsible for this hiccup as the property owner or renter, while at other times it may all be beyond your control. What approach will the professionals take when you engage them to handle your issues?

Nothing Is Too Strange

If you ask a plumber to tell you about their experiences, you may be surprised to hear all of the details. All manner of strange objects can find their way down a drain, including pieces of Lego, smartphones and even miniature pets. Suffice to say that none of these objects were designed to fit through a typical drain, and a blockage can be caused at any stage.

Certainly, if a live pet of any kind has found its way down, then you will need to act very promptly, but your plumber may also need to introduce some space-age tools to return everything back to normal.

Pressurised Jets

Sometimes, the problem will be evident deep within your drainage system and a long way past that "u" bend. In this case, the plumber may need to introduce drain jetting technology to force any undesirable objects from your system. To do this, they will send high-pressure water jets to flush out not just the blockage, but any accumulated grime and dirt at the same time. Some people will do this type of cleaning on a regular basis anyway, as it helps to avoid any blockages in the future.


Occasionally, underground tree roots can find their own way into your pipe system. These roots are looking for moisture, especially in an arid climate such as this. When they find their way in, they can be very difficult to remove, unless the plumber has an electromagnetic cleaning system. This product is attached to a lengthy drainage rod and is equipped with a sharp, rotating blade.

Sometimes, a tiny camera will also be included so that the plumber can see exactly what is happening. The blade can cut through the tree roots in a matter of moments and grind the remaining particles down so that they can be removed without any further damage.

Getting It Fixed

So, if your water is backing up once again you needn't despair, but you should call in an expert with the appropriate tools.