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Four Tips to Keep the Energy Bill From Your Hot Water Service Low

A hot water service, be it gas, electrical, or otherwise, is not a luxury but an absolute necessity.  For any given household, hot water service may account for up to 12% of the monthly utility costs. If you live in an area that experiences cold weather for most of the year, then this percentage is most certainly higher.

That said, there is always the opportunity to make great savings on your hot water service. Here are a few tips to help you do precisely that

1.    Choose Right

Gas prices are ever on the increase. This makes running a gas hot water service quite expensive. Electric systems are comparatively cheaper, and you may be able to save even more if you are on an affordable tariff.

You should also ensure that you choose a water heater that is just the right size for your household. You should make a point of seeking expert advice on which is best-suited to meet your demand for hot water economically. A system that is a size too big will only drive up your energy bills.

2.    Invest in The Right Insulation

Proper insulation improves the efficiency of your hot water service. By keeping the water hotter for longer, proper insulation eliminates the need to reheat the water in your tanks continually. With proper and adequate insulation, you can avoid high energy bills resulting from the unnecessary energy wastage.

To identify the right type of insulation for your hot water service, you should refer to the manufacturer's recommendation and also take into account the recommendations of a reliable industry expert.

3.    Invest in Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance will keep your hot water system performing at its best for a long time. Energy wastage is nothing to worry about with a system that is running efficiently. You can expect to spend a little less on energy bills if you schedule hot water system repair and maintenance as needed.

4.    Check Your Temperature Settings

The thermostat on your heater will come with a default temperature setting. This is typically 140 °F, which is anything but good for both your energy bills and your skin. By adjusting the setting to a temperature of, say 120 °F, you will reduce the amount of energy your system consumes and make big saves on your hot water service energy bills.

You may have no say on your hot water service installation costs, but with these, and other tips, you can effectively reduce your system's running costs.