Keeping Your Plumbing System in Perfect Condition

Why you should regularly clean blocked drains in your home

When it comes to cleaning in most homes, the drainage system is one of those places that most homeowners don't remember to check out, and when they do, they are so afraid of what they might get there. However, there are many reasons why you should pay attention to the drainage system. One of them is that it helps to dispose of excess water into the sewer and any other wastes from your kitchen. If you haven't seen the need to clean your drainage system, then any blockage will quickly draw your attention to its importance. The least you should do is calling a professional plumber to check your drainage system once in a while if you are so afraid of doing so. Below are some of the benefits of cleaning and checking out for blocked drains.

Faster and more efficient drainage 

Have you ever had to wait for your kitchen sink to drain water and it took so long that you ended up not doing what you intended to do? Well, if this happens a lot, what you need to do is go down and check your drainage system. After cleaning it, what you'll notice is that the waste and water in the sink will drain faster. However, it's even more vital that you also check the toilet drains. The worst scenario in your home's drainage system would be a backflow in your toilet due to blocked drains. Be sure to check on this.

Prevents foul smells

Your house, especially the dining room, which is closer to the kitchen, should be spotlessly clean with fresh air. While most of the foul smell is associated with the toilets at home, failing to do a regular checkup on your drains and cleaning where necessary can also result in bad smells in the house. Failure to clean them allows the buildup of moulds and bacteria which start to produce unpleasant odours in your home over time. This mostly occurs in the kitchen area where most of the drains are. The pipes from the sink and dishwasher should be cleaned on a regular basis rather than just relying on the water flow. These sinks are prone to blockage due to the high amount of disposing of oil from utensils, small pieces of food which go right through the sinkholes among other food staffs including chopped vegetables.


Fixing blocked drains should be the first thing to check on when it comes to the hygiene of your home. Not only will it keep your house free of foul odours but also decrease the chances of illness caused by bacteria from the dirty drainage system hence keeping your family safe.